Thursday 9 March 2017

Book Week

Why have a book day when you could have a book week?! Because of our love of reading we dedicated a whole week to looking at books about the rainforest and pretended to be explorers. We had many exciting visits: an author and illustrator; a drama workshop; a presentation on living and working in jungles with gorillas. We even had a rainforest room in our school to go and explore and listen to stories in!
Our author/illustrator visit:

Our rainforest drama workshop:

Story time in the rainforest room:

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Science closing event and Geography opening event

As always, we have opening and closing events for our theme each term. Here are some photos of our Science closing event for term 3 and our Geography opening event for term 4.

In Science in term 3, we focused on materials and their properties. We tested different materials to make a boat, thinking about material names and properties. For our closing event we designed and made stomp rockets. We thought about how to decorate it so it wouldn't be too heavy, to attach some wings to make it aerodynamic and what to cover the top of the rocket with so that it would trap the air and fly upwards. Here is what happened...

Then, to kick start term 4 we had a large map of the UK come to our school and we got to explore the Geography of this country. We will continue to learn about the Geography of this country and learning more about the world around us, including the names of the continents and oceans and where in the world we can find hot and cold places. Here we are on the giant map!

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Thursday 2 March 2017

Term 3 zoo trip

A little late, but better late than never, right?

In Term 3 we went on a zoo trip to tie in with our Science learning and also our Reading and Writing focus on Antarctica. We have been learning about different materials you might need to survive in Antarctica. In English, we read The Emperor Lays and Egg and Lost and Found. Here are some photos from our zoo trip, where we did a workshop on polar explorers.

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